August Recap (AKA HAWAII TRIP!)

September 8, 2016

So, this is so late. I’ve been lagging on blog posts because I’m mostly lazy. Also, I don’t really see the point of posting anymore since I don’t have anything profound or groundbreaking to say. Most of the time I just ramble about what’s going on in my life, I feel like that’s really the only thing I can talk about. Plus, this summer my life wasn’t too interesting. I think that was due to the fact that most of my friends have a significant other and decided to do things with them this year (and on account of I barely have any friends).

I’m trying to figure out what else I can write on my blog. But, I don’t really take enough photos (because I have a 16G phone that can barely hold anything) and I don’t do much throughout the week so what would I really be taking pictures of in the first place.

This blog was first designed to be a blog for my fashion outfit/choices, then travel blog, but now it’s shifted to just a mundane, whatever, once-a-month blog that doesn’t really give anything to the world. Maybe it’s because I’m afraid to really say how I feel (you know how that shit catches up to you these days) that I don’t decide to dig deeper into certain topics. Maybe it’s because of over saturation on what I already post on various social media sites (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat), that another social media channel is just something else to worry about. Or maybe it’s just really that my life is that boring I don’t have a lot to talk about.

Now I’m getting redundant, but the point is I need to start deciding how to make this blog better. Whether that’s putting more thought into it or talking about issues that matter and that I believe in. Whatever it is, I’m going to think deeply about how I can improve it.


SO–now on to what I did this month.

I’d say I was a lot more productive this month than the whole summer, but that’s due to the fact that I WENT TO HAWAII!! That’s basically the highlight of the month so we’ll just talk about that.

This year, I went with my boyfriend’s family, the Reyes’. There were a total of 18 of us in all. My boyfriend is 1 of 5 kids, his dad has 2 brothers, one who has 3 kids and the other who has twins and the grandparents joined us. So there was an equal number of 9 kids to 9 adults (because we count as adults now WEIRD).

We stayed in Kailua, on the West side of Oahu. This was my first time not staying in Honolulu on the island of Oahu, and let me tell you it was AMAZING. Such a better pace of life. The beaches–Lanikai + Kailua– were one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever been to. The family rented an entire house that had a pool, lanai, hot tub and yard we got to hang out in.

Some of the activities included–

  • Boogieboarding
  • Snorkeling
  • Eating (LOTS OF FOOD)
  • Macadamia nut sauce over banana pancakes
  • Loco mocos
  • Roaming around the flea market with a young coconut
  • Lots and lots of shaved ice
  • Garlic shrimp trucks on the North Side
  • Sunrise hikes
  • Early morning swims
  • andddd so much more!!!

I love the mindset and pace of Hawaii. The fauna and culture make me appreciate places like that still exist. I hope Hawaiians can maintain their rich and beautiful culture, despite the cruel intentions of the United States and influx of Haole’s entering their country.


I’m in the land of Spam!!!


Lanikai is famous for the 2 islands of the shore (it might even mean the two islands) you can see one to the left. This beach was also popular for the local boat teams


Some of the crew (minus that white guy to the right, he just didn’t wanna get out of the picture)


This hike was called the “Pillbox Hike” and had a great view of Kailua. This was our Sunrise hike





All I wanted to eat while I was there was a Loco Moco, it took me until the second to last day to find it (because we didn’t really eat at any Hawaiian spots before that).

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Me and my boyfriend atop of Diamond Peak. 

7 thoughts on “August Recap (AKA HAWAII TRIP!)

    • Mel says:

      Hi Kristy! Lanikai was my favorite beach & the best part is it’s not crowded! I think it’s because it’s pretty hard to find, there is no real parking lot or entry point. You need to park on one of the streets and follow an ally way to get there. What made it the most crowded was the local kids & adults practicing canoeing. They have to haul their boats to the sea so you have to be careful if you’re sitting in front of one ^_^. Let me know if you have anymore questions!

      Liked by 1 person

      • kristynab says:

        Thank you very much for your answer, Mel! Now I hope I’ll get there one day even more. It’s great to know I can ask someone who really has been there and have the experience 🙂 Hope you have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

      • kristynab says:

        thank you very much! 🙂 Can I only have one more question, please? What is Lanikai Beach like? I mean in reality. I’m sorry for being so annoying and asking so many questions. It’s just that I have seen many pictures but never met a person who was really there and saw it for real. Thank you once again and hope you have an amazing day! 🙂


      • Mel says:

        Yeah no problem! Lanikai was very beautiful, it’s such a picturesque beach that not being able to make it would be like a robbery. Like I said there are a lot of kids that practice their rowing there and the beach is made up of a lot of their boats, but if you stay out of their way it’s totally worth it. Theres also some reefs off the shore that you can easily access. It’s an overall beautiful beach that you must go to!

        Liked by 1 person

      • kristynab says:

        Thank you very much once again! I’m really grateful for your response. I’m very happy I can imagine this place now even better. Have a nice day! 🙂


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